Výsledky studentské evaluace výuky ÚAJD v letním semestru 2008/9

Milé anglistky, milí anglisté,

na konci semestru bychom se s vámi rádi podělili o výsledky evaluace výuky.

Ještě jednou vám všem děkujeme za vaše odpovědi i konkrétní připomínky.

Vaši učitelé z ÚAJD

Otázky v dotazníku / Questions:

  1. Overall, this course/lecture was: 1 (poor) - 5 (excellent)
  2. Overall, this instructor was an effective teacher and clearly communicated the goal and form of the class: 1 (not at all) - 5 (definitely yes)
  3. Overall, I learned a lot from this course/lecture: 1 (not at all) - 5 (definitely yes)
  4. The course materials (including assigned reading) were useful for the topic of the course (does not apply to lectures): 1 (not at all) - 5 (definitely yes)
  5. The instructor was concerned about what students learnt: 1 (not at all) - 5 (definitely yes)
  6. The style of teaching promoted discussion and the instructor encouraged students to participate actively in the class: 1 (not at all) - 5 (definitely yes)
  7. Keeping up with the work in the course was: 1 (very easy) - 5 (very demanding)
  8. Would I be happy to take another course/attend another lecture on this or related subject?: 1 (not at all) - 5 (definitely yes)

Žebříčky kurzů a učitelů / Charts of Teachers and Courses

Vždy pět kurzů/učitelů s nejlepším hodnocením v dané otázce a všechny kurzy seřazené podle hodnocení náročnosti.


1. Overall, this course/lecture was: 1 (poor) - 5 (excellent)


1 Morphology (Pá b) Srchová 4,9
2 Morphology (Pá c) Srchová 4,9
3 Stylistics (Čt 10,50) Dušková 4,8
4 Morphology (Čt 9,10) Malá 4,6
5 Grammar in Translation (Pá 9,10) Šaldová, Brůhová 4,6



2. Overall, this instructor was an effective teacher and clearly communicated the goal and form of the class: 1 (not at all) - 5 (definitely yes)


1 Malá 4,8
2 Srchová 4,7
3 Mothejzíková, Srchová 4,6
4 Malá, Srchová 4,6
5 Dušková 4,5



3. Overall, I learned a lot from this course/lecture: 1 (not at all) - 5 (definitely yes)

1 Morphology (Pá c) Srchová 4,8
2 Reading ME & EModE Texts (Út 9,10) Čermák 4,7
3 Stylistics (Čt 10,50) Dušková 4,6
4 Grammar in Translation (Pá 9,10) Šaldová, Brůhová 4,6
5 Morphology (Pá b) Srchová 4,5


aggregated by lecturer(s)

1 Šaldová, Brůhová 4,6
2 Srchová 4,4
3 Mothejzíková, Srchová 4,3
4 Čermák 4,2
5 Dušková 4,1


4. The course materials (including assigned reading) were useful for the topic of the course (does not apply to lectures): 1 (not at all) - 5 (definitely yes)

1 Morphology (Pá b) Srchová 5,0
2 Intro. to Text Linguistics (St 9,10) Malá 5,0
3 HEL II (Út 14,10) Čermák 4,9
4 Lexicology II (St 12,30) Klégr 4,9
5 HEL I (St 7,30) Čermák 4,9


5. The instructor was concerned about what students learnt: 1 (not at all) - 5 (definitely yes)

1 Čermák 4,8
2 Srchová 4,6
3 Malá 4,6
4 Tichý 4,5
5 Mothejzíková, Srchová 4,4


6. The style of teaching promoted discussion and the instructor encouraged students to participate actively in the class: 1 (not at all) - 5 (definitely yes)

1 Srchová 5,0
2 Čermák 4,7
3 Dušková 4,7
4 Malá 4,7
5 Tichý 4,7


7. Keeping up with the work in the course was: 1 (very easy) - 5 (very demanding)

1 HEL I (St 9,10) Čermák 4,6
2 HEL I - lecture (Út 10,50) Čermák 4,5
3 HEL II (Út 14,10) Čermák 4,2
4 Morphology (Pá c) Srchová 4,0
5 Syntax - lecture (Po 12,30) Dušková 4,0
6 Lexicography (Út 12,30) Klégr 4,0
7 Lexicology II (St 12,30) Klégr 4,0
8 HEL I (St 14,10) Tichý 3,9
9 Stylistics (Čt 10,50) Dušková 3,9
10 HEL I (St 15,50) Tichý 3,8
11 Morphology (Pá b) Srchová 3,5
12 Reading ME & EModE Texts (Út 9,10) Čermák 3,3
13 HEL I (St 7,30) Čermák 3,3
14 Introduction to Linguistics (Út 7,30) Brůhová 3,2
15 Morphology (Po 14,15) Brůhová 3,1
16 Grammar in Translation (Pá 9,10) Šaldová, Brůhová 3,1
17 Morphology (Pá a) Srchová 3,1
18 Introduction to Linguistics (Po 12,30) Šaldová 3,0
19 Morphology - lecture (Út 10,00) Klégr 3,0
20 Practical language  (St 12,30) Nathan 3,0
21 Practical language (Út 12,30) Nathan 3,0
22 Morphology (Čt 9,10) Malá 2,9
23 Introduction to Linguistics (Po 12,30) Brůhová 2,9
24 Introduction to Linguistics (Pá 9,10) Malá 2,8
25 Introduction to Linguistics (Pá 10,50) Malá 2,8
26 Applied Linguistics/Didaktika (Pá 10,50) Mothejzíková, Srchová 2,8
27 Practical language (Út 15,50) Nathan 2,8
28 Introduction to Linguistics (Út 10,50) Brůhová 2,8
29 Grammar in Context (Čt 12,30) Malá, Srchová 2,6
30 Intro. to Text Linguistics (St 9,10) Malá 2,5


8. Would I be happy to take another course/attend another lecture on this or related subject?: 1 (not at all) - 5 (definitely yes)

1 Stylistics (Čt 10,50) Dušková 4,9
2 Reading ME & EModE Texts (Út 9,10) Čermák 4,8
3 Applied Linguistics/Didaktika (Pá 10,50) Mothejzíková, Srchová 4,8
4 Grammar in Translation (Pá 9,10) Šaldová, Brůhová 4,6
5 Morphology (Pá c) Srchová 4,6

Grafy / Graphs

 1. Questions 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 - "instructors' effectiveness"

graph 1


2. Questions 2, 3, 7 - "course effectivness"

graph 2


3. Questions 1, 7, 8 - "course actractiveness"

graph 3