Cyklus přednášek: "This World and the Other Worlds in the Middle Ages"

01/01/1970 - 00:00

Medieval Conceptual Conflicts and Contrasts:
This World and the Other Worlds

Wednesday 17:30-19:00, Celetná 20, room 147, IS code: ALMV00074

The seminar is the first of six-semester long guest lecture series in medieval studies Medieval Conceptual Conflicts and Contrast. This semester is focused on This World and the Other Worlds in the Middle Ages. We shall analyze both texts and images with a special emphasis on the afterlife and apocalypsis. In addition, the Middle Ages itself shall be discussed as "another world". The course is aimed at PhD students and advanced MA students dealing with any aspect of medieval studies.

17.2. Jan Čermák (FF UK): Other Worlds of the Kalevala

24.2. Pavlína Cermanová (CMS FlÚ AV ČR): Apocalypse: The Other Reality of Hussite Bohemia

2.3. Péter Tóth (British Library): Visions of the Other World Between East and West: An Unknown Latin Translation of the Apocalypse of the Virgin Mary

9.3. Tamás Visi (FF UP Olomouc): Other Worlds of the Kabbala

16.3. Jeff Rider (Wesleyan University): The Middle Ages as Another World

23.3. Jan Kozák (FF UK): Burial Mound as a Projection Screen

30.3. Jiří Starý (FF UK): The Other World in two Old Norse Early Christian Texts: The Lay of the Dream and the Lay of the Sun

6.4. Joost Roger Robbe (Aarhus Universitet): The Art of Dying

13.4. Aisling Byrne (University of Reading): Archipelagic Otherworlds: Literature and the Geographical Imagination in medieval Britain and Ireland

20.4. Martin Haltrich (Stiftsbibliothek Klosterneuburg): On earth, as it is in heaven. Visions of the celestial community in medieval monasteries

27.4. Daniela Rywiková (FF OU): Mixed Encounters: The Worlds of the Dead and the Living in the Late Medieval Art

4.5. Farkas Kiss (ELTE Budapest): Travel guides to purgatory and heaven: King Sigismund's knight and King David

11.5. Réka Forrai (Centre for Medieval Literature, Odense): Cultural Looting East and West: Latin-Greek and Greek-Latin translations in the Middle Ages