Pozvánka: Seminář prof. Thomase C. Reevese, 22.9.2008

22/09/2008 - 15:00

(viz pozvánka)

Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy
Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Pedagogická fakulta
M.D.Rettigové 4, 11000 Praha 1

pořádá v pondělí dne 22.9.2008 v 15 hod. v prostorách oddělení informačních technologií (přízemí) seminář

profesora Thomase C. Reevese, Ph.D.

Dept. of Educational Psychology and Instructional Technology (EPIT)
College of Education
The University of Georgia

Learning From, With, and About Technology into Primary and Secondary Education
(Učení s, z a o technologiích na základních a středních školách)

The success of any learning environment is determined by the degree to which there is adequate
alignment among eight critical factors:
1) objectives,
2) content,
3) instructional design,
4) learning tasks,
5) teacher roles,
6) learner roles,
7) technology roles,
8) assessment.
Extensive research and evaluation studies indicate that technology is rarely adequately aligned
with the other factors listed above. This lack of alignment partially stems from misunderstandings
about the three major ways that technology can be used effectively in primary and secondary
education. This presentation will focus on how learning “from, with, and about” media and
technology all have critical roles in 21st Century schools.
Seminář bude realizován v angličtině bez překladu.
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