CENTRUM PRO TEORETICKÁ STUDIA (www.cts.cuni.cz) vás zve na čtvrteční seminář, který povede
Juan David Leongómez (University of Stirling)
na téma Vocal communication: Comparison between the meanings and purposes of acoustic communication in humans and other animals
Different forms of acoustic communication exist throughout the animal kingdom with varying degrees of complexity; from the relatively simple calls of frogs, to bird songs, and even human music and language. But what kinds of information can vocalisations carry? What are the advantages and disadvantages of vocal communication over other modes? This talk presents a general yet informative view of these questions, and looks into the possible animal precursors of the most complex human acoustic communication systems: music and language.
Seminář se koná ve čtvrtek 7. března 2013 od 10 hodin v CTS, Husova 4, 3. patro.
Více info viz http://www.cts.cuni.cz/
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