Model European Union

01/01/1970 - 00:00

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Natalia Neira and I am the President of BETA España (Bringing Europeans Together Association).

I am writing to you with the purpose of passing some information on to your students. We are currently organising a simulation called Model European Union which will take place in the city of Granada, Spain, in October (3rd-7th). This simulation represents the way the EU ordinary legislative procedure works and it is an extraordinary opportunity to experience how the EU functions first-hand.


We are recruiting participants from many universities in the world and that is why we would like you to help us spread the word among your students. We kindly ask you to forward this email and the information attached to it to your students through your common channels of communication (social networks, websites, notice boards, mailing lists).

The application period will close on the 30th of June. However, it is likely to be extended for a few more days!

For more information visit our website or send us an email to

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Kind regards from Spain,



Natalia Neira Carrión

Presidenta BETA España

0034 650 002 562



Carla Flores Rodríguez


Directora Genera MEU Granada 2012

0034 662 005 921