Výsledky |
01/01/1970 - 00:00 Europe/Prague Please note that the resuts of the vocabulary test from 11 March 2013 have been put in the Moodle (Summer term, Week 4). Those who are/were unable to take the test can come to any of the other practical language seminars this week. Tomáš Gráf |
01/01/1970 - 00:00 Europe/Prague max 104 / min 70
01/01/1970 - 00:00 Europe/Prague max. 48 / min. 32 Cilcová Klára 43 |
01/01/1970 - 00:00 Europe/Prague Pass – minimum 84 points
Anna Hupcejová - 90
01/01/1970 - 00:00 Europe/Prague
Max: 48; Pass: 32
Bartová Nikola - 43 Geislerová Sára, Bc. - 27,5 Chocholová Věra - 39 Kostrouchová Veronika - 36,5 Outratová Tereza - 36,5 Raušová Veronika - 38 Vrabcová Ľubica - 28 |
01/01/1970 - 00:00 Europe/Prague Lexicology I – Word-formation (max. 48, pass mark: 32) Halamásková Jana 45
Pragmatics (max. 48, pass mark 32) Neubauerová Alice 39
Testy jsou k nahlédnutí během konzultačních hodin.
01/01/1970 - 00:00 Europe/Prague část I (min 12/max 18) část II (min 50/max 70)
01/01/1970 - 00:00 Europe/Prague max 96/ min 64 Pivolusková Zuzana 85 Schormová Františka 89 |
01/01/1970 - 00:00 Europe/Prague
01/01/1970 - 00:00 Europe/Prague Pass: min. 84 points Cingrošová - 86,5 |